Calgary Model Railway Clubs

There are a number of model railway clubs in and around Calgary. Each has its own membership policy and method of operation. Some clubs are actively seeking new members while others may be at capacity.

In general, the clubs operate independently of the Society, although the Society does have some of its board members appointed on the recommendation of specific clubs as outlined in the by-laws of the Society.

If you want further information about any of the clubs listed below, please contact that club directly.

If you are a member of a club which is not listed and your club would like to be included, send a note to the webmaster with the details and we will be glad to oblige.

If your club is listed below, please ensure that the information is current. Let the webmaster know if any changes are needed.

Clubs listed on this site:

Bow Valley Model Railroad Association
Calgary British Railway Modelers
Calgary Free-mo
Calgary Model Trainmen

Calgary N-Scale Traksters Society (Cantrak)
Rocky Mountain Garden Railroaders
Southern Alberta Lego Users Group
TNG Model Railroaders (now closed)

(click on the club name below to go to that club's web site)

Bow Valley Model Railroad Association

Club Contact: Richard Johnson

The Bow Valley Model Railroad Association is a private club consisting of about 20 members. We have no permanent space and meetings are usually held in members' homes, limiting the number of members. Members model eras from early 1900 to present, in steam and diesel, freight and passenger, prototype and freelance, mainly in HO. Our modular HO layout is continuously changing, with over 220 feet of modules to choose from for displays at shows and other events. Modules are all double track mainline, with scenes varying from rural to freight yard, at members choice. The group participates in most model railroad activities in and around Calgary, going to about 6 shows or displays each year. We use Digitrax digital command equipment at shows and at many of the members' homes.


The Cal-O-Rail group was formed in 1974 and was the first "O" scale club in Calgary.

Our first layout at the Meredith Road location lasted for 22 years when we lost our lease due to possible redevelopment of the premises.

Our new location at the 18th. Scout Group hall is home to a fully functional, operating layout depicting the Canadian Rockies which continues towards completion and may be further expanded in the future.

We take part in" Supertrain" each year and host open houses when asked, we are currently building a new modular layout for the 2005 "Supertrain" show and are nearing completion of a 6 track passenger train storage yard.

We meet Tuesday evenings 7 - 9:30 p.m. and Saturdays 11 - 3:30 p.m. and welcome visitors. Please contact Bain Spielman 403-560-1896 for more information.

Rev. 2016-03-09

Calgary British Railway Modelers

The Calgary British Railway Modelers’ Club is the “go To” club in southern Alberta for modeling the railways of the British Isles. Members’ interests encompass all scales from N to O-scale, regions and periods. The club incorporated under the Alberta Societies Act in August 2021 after being together informally since the mid-1970’s. The CBRMC exhibits an OO-scale layout at SuperTrain and Heritage Park’s Railway Days.

All are welcome to our monthly Social Nights, the last Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. Locations vary. For more information, please go to our web page at Calgary British Railway Modellers Club – British Model Railway enthusiasts, all eras, all scales or look for us on Facebook at Calgary British Railway Modelers.

Annual membership is $25. Contact us at


Calgary Free-mo

Free Form Modular Group


HO Scale. Calgary Free-mo is a group of modellers building freeform modules in HO scale compatible with the North American Free-mo Standards [see ]. Free-mo standards define the endplates of the modules and some minimal internal restrictions to enable smooth operations. Between these endplates, modules are built with single or double track mainlines, and can be any length and degree of curvature. Modules can be arranged in any combination (even flipped 180 degrees) and assembled into layouts that run between staging yards and/or return loops. Our motto is 'Never the same layout twice'.

We participate in shows such as SUPERTRAIN, GETS, and Railway Days; we organize Alberta Free-mo each August with modules from all over western Canada and the northern United States; and we organize or attend other setups during the year.

We are open to new members at any time. We have no limits on number of modules or participants. Members of the group help each other in all areas of module construction. We have bi-monthly business meetings and other group events such as construction and modelling sessions throughout the year.

For more detailed information, building standards and our meeting dates/ locations, visit our website at

Rev. 2016-06-29

Calgary Model Trainmen

The Calgary Model Trainmen's Club, founded in 1938, is an HO scale model railroad club. We have one layout that the members run trains on and we also take it to Supertrain and Heritage Park Railway Days. We are also constructing a second permanent layout at our club location. New members, of all skill levels, are always welcomed to come and join us. We help teach new skills and we give members a chance to hone those skills by working on our two layouts.

Our location is #7-11 Street NE, Calgary near the Calgary Zoo and two blocks away from the Bridgeland-Memorial C-train station. We meet Wednesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm to run trains and have train related fellowship. A number of Saturday mornings we also get together to work on the construction and maintenance of our layouts.

For more information check out our website at or our Facebook page: Calgary Model Trainmen's Club for contact information.

Rev. 2023-01-31

Calgary N-Scale Traksters Society (Cantrak) (N-Scale)

First formed in Calgary, Alberta in 1974, the club was formally organized in 1975 and incorporated in 1981 as the Cantrak Society of Model Railroaders. It was reorganized in 2014 as the Calgary N-Scale Traksters Society.

We are a group of model railroaders who share a common interest in and passion for 1:160 N-scale modelling. Our mission is “making N-scale modular railroading fun”.

Members build two-foot by four-foot modules based on a modified standard of the one defined by the NTRAK Modular Railroading Society. Standard track spacing allows member and club modules to be connected to form larger layouts of various shapes and sizes which we build for a number of shows and events every year.

We meet twice a month in members homes where we do project and layout planning, module and model construction, model train operation and socializing. We also hold a number of learn-to-do clinics, layout tours and family fun events annually.

New members are always welcome!

If you are interested in learning more or sharing what you already know about model railroading in general or N-scale in particular, please contact us at

rev. 2024-03-18

Rocky Mountain Garden Railroaders

Jeffrey Burk – Vice President (403) 613-0603 or

G Scale ( Gauge ). One of the larger sectors of the hobby are garden or large scale railways. Right now we have 35 members and we are still growing. We are open to new members whether they have a train or not. Our prime objective is to have fun and promote the hobby of railroading. Some of our members have track in their garage, some out in the garden, some running around the roof of their basement, and some just like to scratch build buildings and rolling stock. We are a very versatile group and generally have a lot of fun. Meetings are every third Thursday in the month except July and August when we have frequent open house meetings.

Southern Alberta Lego Users Group (SALUG)

Club Contact: Daryl Faulkner, 403-936-2024